
We’re asking Veterans like you to record a short video, up to 2 minutes in length, that we can share with our supporters.

Create Talking Points

  • IMPORTANT: Please introduce yourself to our audience by telling them your name, and when and where you served
  • Write down a few key points that you want to include.
  • Place your talking points where you can see them without looking down or away from the camera.
  • Please keep comments to one minute or less, if possible.

Record Your Video

"*" indicates required fields

Branch(s) of Service*

War/Era Served*

NOTE: Before recording, clean your camera lens!

Recording Instructions
On Desktop/Laptop:
  1. Click "Record Video" in the box below.
  2. Choose "Allow" to allow VoteVets.org to use your camera and microphone (if prompted).
  3. Click the red record button () at the lower left to begin recording. A countdown timer will be displayed.
  4. Click the red stop button () at the lower left to stop recording.
  5. After the recording is finished, you can click the play arrow () to review your video.
  6. If you're satisfied with your video, click "Submit". To rerecord, follow steps 3 to 6 again.
On Mobile/Tablet:
  1. Click "Record or select a video file" below.
  2. Record a video or select one from your device. Horizontal videos work best.
  3. Click "Ok" to return to this screen.
  4. Click "Upload" to transfer file.
  5. Click "Submit" to finish.