VoteVets Endorses Adam Hollier for Congress

The largest progressive group of Veterans in America, VoteVets PAC, is today endorsing Adam Hollier for Congress, in Michigan’s 13th Congressional District.

“We are proud to endorse Adam Hollier, and believe he is exactly the right person at the right time to represent the Detroit area in Congress,” said Jon Soltz, Iraq War Veteran and Chairman of VoteVets. “Adam Hollier has always put others ahead of himself and been serious about delivering for them. That spirit of selflessness and duty to country and community is something desperately lacking in politics. Adam also knows what it takes to keep America safe and secure. In dangerous times like these, his Veteran’s voice will carry a lot of credibility in Congress.”

Throughout his life, Adam has always answered the call to service whenever it came. His volunteer work took him all across the country, including serving as a disaster relief coordinator after hurricane Katrina in Biloxi, MS and the Gulf Coast. In college, he even continued the family tradition, and served as a volunteer firefighter.

That same call to service led Adam to enlist in the U.S. Army. He was commissioned as a second lieutenant at Officer Candidate School in Fort Benning, Georgia. While he could have gone after the desk job, Adam instead signed up to jump out of airplanes – so he would always get to where the danger was first.

In 2023, Governor Whitmer asked Adam to join her cabinet, appointing him Director of the Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency. Together, they’ve more than doubled the state’s veteran’s database and expanded jobs programs – ensuring more veterans have access to services and the meaningful employment they are seeking. They also worked together to tackle the high rates of suicide and homelessness among veterans, creating new initiatives and investments to directly help service men and women get the assistance they need.

Throughout his life, Adam has always answered the call to serve and delivered real results for the communities he represents.