VoteVets Congratulates Conor Lamb on Huge Win; Says This Is Only the Beginning

PITTSBURGH, PA – VoteVets, the largest progressive group of veterans in America, is tonight congratulating Conor Lamb on his stunning victory in a district that heavily went for Donald Trump in 2016, and is promising to ensure that other districts see similar results.  The group’s PAC raised over $35,000 for his campaign, after endorsing him, while VoteVets Action Fund was the top spending group on the airwaves in support of his candidacy, spending nearly $400,000.

“This is a moment we knew would be coming, and we could not be prouder of what Conor has accomplished,” said Iraq War Veteran and Chair of VoteVets, Jon Soltz. “Conor is exactly the kind of candidate we knew would have appeal to Republicans and Independent, along with Democrats, while still standing for strong progressive principles. As this blue wave continues, we are encouraged to see veteran candidates continue to lead the way.  VoteVets is proud to have steered thousands of small donations to Conor’s campaign, and to have been the leading group on the airwaves, in support of his campaign. We’re ready and excited to do the same elsewhere, so that other veterans can flip districts, and elect a Congress that holds Donald Trump accountable, promotes policies that will help veterans, and truly keep America secure.”

Founded in 2006, the mission of Political Action Committee is to elect Veterans to public office, with a focus on Iraq and Afghanistan veterans, and hold public officials accountable for their words and actions that impact America’s 21st century troops and veterans. Though PAC is non-partisan, candidates it backs must support’s core mission and beliefs.