Trump Campaign Says Military Service Is Not A ‘Real Job’ — VoteVets Responds

WASHINGTON, DC — Below is a statement from Afghanistan War Veteran Max Rose, Senior Advisor to VoteVets, on the Trump campaign’s contention that Tim Walz never had a “real job,” having served in the military, and working on a farm, a factory, and a school:

“It is absolute elitism from Donald Trump and his campaign to claim that Tim Walz’s service to Minnesota and our country, in uniform, was not a “real job.” That doesn’t even include the fact that Trump’s hoity-toity country-club-based campaign doesn’t think working on a farm, or working in a factory, or being a teacher or a coach is a “real job,” either.

“It’s not a surprise that a candidate who called our Troops and fallen “Suckers and Losers” likes to crap all over military service. It’s impossible for them to see anyone selflessly serving as having a “real job.” To them, the only “real job” is screwing contractors out of money they’re owed, to line their own pockets. This comment from Donald Trump’s campaign reeks of the very worst kind of elitism. Troops, Veterans and workers all deserve better than that in the White House.”

Today, Trump campaign spokesperson Caroline Sunshine launched the campaign’s new line of smears against the Harris-Walz ticket, on Real America’s Voice, claiming that Tim Walz “never held a real job in his life,” dismissing his time working on a farm, a factory, a school, and his 24 years of honorable service in the National Guard.