Statement of Gold Star Mother Karen Meredith on Trump’s Disgusting Rant Wishing “Human Scum” a “Happy” Memorial Day

“Donald Trump is pathetic, childish, and selfish. He doesn’t care about those who died in war. He doesn’t care about those they left behind. And he doesn’t care about anyone other than himself.”


 WASHINGTON, DC — Yesterday, Donald Trump posted an unhinged rant to Truth Social that wished a “happy” Memorial Day to “human scum” and went on to whine about civil and criminal prosecutions against him. VoteVets does not engage in politics on Memorial Day, to maintain focus on the fallen, and their survivors.

Today, Gold Star Mother Karen Meredith, released the following statement on behalf of the organization:

“Yesterday, while I was at Arlington National Cemetery mourning the loss of my son who died in Najaf, Iraq on May 30, 2004, and found comfort in the company of other Gold Star families who suffered the same kind of loss, Donald Trump tried to steal the focus off of all those who died in service of America. He tried to steal the focus off the families who never got to say goodbye to their loved ones who died far too soon. He tried to steal from us the one day we get all year long to ask our country to hold our fallen close to their hearts. He wanted all the attention on himself. 

“If you truly believe all those who died are “suckers” and “losers,” that’s what you do. His unhinged rant would be impossible to post if he had a shred of compassion for families and an ounce of respect for the fallen.

“Yesterday is the clearest evidence yet that Donald Trump doesn’t just disrespect the service of those in uniform — he is actively hostile to it because he believes it is those who serve who steal attention off of himself.

“Donald Trump is pathetic, childish, and selfish. He doesn’t care about those who died in war. He doesn’t care about those they left behind. And he doesn’t care about anyone other than himself.

“Like me, President Biden spent Memorial Day mourning the loss his beloved Beau from toxic burn pit exposure in Iraq. Beau also died on May 30, like my son Ken. President Biden never ends a speech without first asking God to protect our Troops because he understands what their sacrifice means. His selflessness and care for others beyond himself is just one more reason he must be reelected.”