NEW ADS: “The US Military Should Not Engage In Nation-Building In Gaza”

Washington, DC –  Today, in our first digital ad buy of the 2026 election cycle, VoteVets is investing several thousand dollars targeting vulnerable Republican members of the House, all of whom are Veterans, over Trump’s recent comments on Gaza. The ad urges constituents to call and write to their members of Congress and ask them to stand up against Trump’s dangerous rhetoric. We will continue to hold these members’ feet to the fire as they remain silent in the wake of Trump alienating our allies and putting our troops in harm’s way.

The members being targeted are

  • Eli Crane (AZ 2nd)
  • Gabe Evans (CO 8th) 
  • Mariannette Miller-Meeks (IA 1st)
  • Zach Nunn (IA 3rd)
  • John James (MI 10th)
  • Scott Perry (PA 10th) 
  • Jen Kiggans (VA 2nd)
  • Derrick Van Orden (WI 3rd)


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The US Military should not engage in nation-building in Gaza. It is not a military mission, and it puts a target on Troops’ backs. We should have learned that lesson after Iraq, but apparently, Donald Trump did not. With one statement, he recklessly put every American in uniform in the Middle East in danger to benefit himself, his family, and his billionaire developer pals, by turning Gaza into a gaudy resort.

Our elected officials – especially those on the Republican side – can either stand with Americans and our Troops, or Musk, Trump, and the billionaire buzzards who are ready to pick away at every program and risk every American Servicemember to enrich themselves. They cannot do both.

If you agree, sign here and call your representative to demand Congress stand up against Trump’s dangerous declarations. 

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The US Military should not engage in nation-building. Full stop. We should have learned that lesson after Iraq, but apparently, Donald Trump did not. With one statement on Gaza, he recklessly put every American in uniform in the Middle East in danger to benefit himself, his family, and his billionaire developer pals.

Our elected officials – especially those on the Republican side – can either stand with Americans and our Troops, or Trump and his billionaire buzzards who are ready to pick away at every program and risk every American Servicemember to enrich themselves. They cannot do both.

Sign here and call your representative to demand they stand up against Trump’s dangerous declarations. 

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One of VoteVets founding principles is to keep Troops out of harm’s way. This means that military actions should be an absolute last resort, done only when deemed absolutely necessary. It means the US Military should not engage in nation-building. Full stop. 

Donald Trump goes against this core belief often with his warmongering rhetoric. His reckless statement on Gaza goes too far. He put every American in uniform in the Middle East in danger to benefit himself, his family, and his billionaire developer pals.

Our elected officials – especially those on the Republican side – can either stand with Americans and our Troops, or Trump and his billionaire buzzards who are ready to pick away at every program and risk every American Servicemember to enrich themselves. They cannot do both.

Sign here and call your representative to demand they stand up against Trump’s dangerous declarations. 

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