
VoteVets Applauds Passage of Repeal of 2001 AUMF in House of Representatives

WASHINGTON, DC – In a huge shift in the debate over war powers, the House of Representatives, today, voted to repeal the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force, passed after 9/11.  The Authorization has been used to send troops all around the world, for 18 years, to fight groups that had not even existed when the original authorization was passed.

In a statement, Jon Soltz, Iraq War Veteran and Chair of VoteVets said:

“Today’s vote to repeal the 2001 authorization represents a true momentum shift that should not be ignored. For too long, Congress has let administrations of both parties use the authorization as a blank check, sending troops wherever, and whenever, the president felt like it.  Now, the momentum is behind a movement back towards Constitutionalism. 

We have worked hard to see this measure passed, and will continue to do that work, along with our conservative counterparts at Concerned Veterans for America, to build bipartisan consensus on this issue.

We will continue to work to ensure that the momentum keeps picking up, and fight until the day when we return to traditional war making powers.  The lives of our troops, now and in the future, depends on it.”